#1 O! Astute man Give your riches just to the commendable and never to others. The water of the ocean got by the mists is constantly sweet.
#2 Test a servant while in the release of his obligation, a relative in trouble, a companion in affliction, and a wife in setback.
#3 The life of an uneducated man is as pointless as the tail of a puppy which not one or the other neither covers its backside nor shields it from the nibble of creepy crawlies.
#4 There is toxin in the tooth of the serpent, in the mouth of the fly and in the sting of a scorpion; yet the insidious man is immersed with it.
#5 As water gathered in a tank gets immaculate by filtration, so amassed riches is safeguarded by being utilized in philanthropy.
#6 Don’t put your trust in waterways, men who convey weapons, mammoths with paws or horns, ladies and parts of an illustrious crew.
#7 Lakshmi, the goddess of riches happens to her own particular accord where morons are not regarded, grain is decently hidden away and the spouse and wife don’t squabble.
#8 A father who is ceaseless indebted person, a double-crossing mother, a lovely wife, and an unlearned child are adversaries in one’s own particular home.
#9 There are three jewels on this planet: sustenance, water, and satisfying words – boneheads consider bits of rocks as diamonds.
#10 “Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions – Why am I doing it, what the results might be and will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead.”